

Auditions are arranged several times in the beginning of each semester. Keep an eye out for our audition adverts on Åbo Akademi University's campus and on social media!


Auditions for the fall semester 2024

The auditions are held at the Sibelius Museum, at Piispankatu 17. Enter through the side entrance. Ring the doorbell to be let in. 

Auditions are held: 

Wednesday 4th of September at 5 pm

Wednesday 11th of September at 5 pm

Wednesday 18th of September at 5 pm at Gulnäbbsakademin in Kåren

Auditions can be arranged on other occasions by sending an e-mail to our concertmaster, at konsertmastare(at)

What are our auditions like?

You don't need any previous choir experience to be admitted to the choir; you only need basic control over your voice and a willingness to develop as a singer! The audition only takes a couple of minutes, during which our conductor Hanna Kronqvist and members of the music board will check your vocal range (to tell if you’re a tenor or bass) and ask you to do a few short musical exercises. You will also be requested to perform a short song of your own choice. The board will deliberate for a few minutes and immediately inform you of the outcome.


Why you should join Brahe Djäknar

Brahe Djäknar or ”BD” was founded in 1937 and is Åbo Akademi University’s male voice student choir and a special association within the Åbo Akademi Student Union. The choir has 40–50 singers and the majority study at Åbo Akademi University, but some members study at other universities or work. When you join the choir you will meet a diverse and interesting group of people from several different faculties and specializations; in other words, not only the same people from your faculty or specialization that you usually socialize with.

While giving performances, we are usually dressed in tailcoats. A tailcoat can be borrowed from the choir, so it’s no problem if you don’t own one. The choir sings on many occasions; some are recurring events such as the traditional spring concert at Vartiovuori in Turku during the Walpurgis Night and the advent concerts in Turku Cathedral together with Florakören (Åbo Akademi University’s student female choir) and Akademiska Orkestern (Åbo Akademi University’s orchestra). Other events vary from one year to the next, but almost every year the choir goes on tour abroad. When on tour, we’re not only having concerts; you also get the opportunity to see and experience a lot more during the trips and have fun at parties.

See you at the auditions!

There are several opportunities to audition at the start of every semester. Keep an eye out for advertising on campus and on our social media channels.